Privacy Policy

We value your privacy and make every effort to explain how information learned about you from your visit to is handled. The information we receive largely depends on what you do when you visit the website. This privacy policy is not intended to, and does not, create any claim against Engel & Feldmann, LLC by any visitors to the site and is merely presented so that you can better understand how we handle information given to us.

If you visit to browse, or to read or download information from, our hosting company will collect and store various information, but to the best of our knowledge and understanding none of the information collected is personally identifying information. The information that is collected, and to which will have access, includes: (1) the name of the domain and host from which you access the Internet (for example, or; (2) the browser software you use and your operating system; (3) the date and time you access the site; and (4) the Internet (IP) address of the website from which you linked directly to This information collected by our hosting company is used to measure the number of visitors, where and how visitors find out about, and daily traffic. This information is considered to be general and nature and not confidential.

If you choose to send an email or submit an online form you have the freedom to select what, if any, personally identifiable information is sent to Engel & Feldmann, LLC. These messages are forwarded to the appropriate persons within to respond, at their discretion, to the questions or comments or to provide the information requested.

We collect personal information, including credit card information, through our payment processing services. We use this information to complete transactions you have authorized, and to communicate with you regarding the transaction and Engel & Feldmann, LLC products and services. We do not intentionally sell, share, trade, lend or distribute your personal information to third parties, except as required by law.

We may use your e-mail address to send you updates about the changes in the law that may affect your case, or updates about our services that may interest you. You can unsubscribe at anytime by simply replying to the e-mail containing our newsletter or other communications, and writing UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

Please be aware that you will encounter other links on to sites that are owned, operated and maintained by others. Engel & Feldmann has no control over these other sites. When visiting a new site you should refer to any applicable terms and conditions, legal disclaimers and/or any privacy policy that governs that particular site. We make no representations regarding the policies and practices of sites that you link to from engelfeldmann. Links are provided in order to access potentially useful information.